Why Terra Promus?

I am fortunate to have had parents who inculcated a strong love and respect for the natural world through our family camping trips, insisting that we always “take only pictures and leave only footprints,” and leave a place better than when we found it.  Later as a young adult, when I was an angry, confused and aimless adolescent, headed in a direction that would have inevitably led to misery and heartache, I was fortunate to have had some strong and aware teachers and mentors who introduced the ideas and values of the sacredness of the Earth and the role of humans as stewards of a divine creation.

These people profoundly touched and shaped my life, and the impetus to “pay it forward” has always been present deep within me.  I volunteered my time during summers at Educo Adventure School, an outdoor program I did at age 19, which had a profound impact on me.  I spent much of my avocational time working with young people, as a coach, mentor and friend. Yet as most young people, I felt the need to “be successful,” and pursued a career in the business world.  I toiled at making money until I could no longer tolerate it; I decided to try, as best I could, to make my passion my livelihood.  I enrolled in college to earn my degree and teaching credential.  I have been teaching since 1995, helping young people recognize and fulfill their potential

But teaching in the traditional education system presents many obstacles for truly “educating and empowering” youth in the way that is necessary for to face and deal with the reality of the world today.  I began to investigate and participate in many alternative education avenues.  In addition, I began to immerse myself in sustainability issues; the problems we are facing on the planet at this time, and the many wonderful and hope-inspiring solutions that are emerging through a heightened awareness and consciousness of the need to “be the change we want to see in the world.”

Terra Promus is one way, in addition to my classroom teaching and the online sustainability awareness courses I have created, to pay forward what has been so generously given to me: the awareness of a loving, just and sustainable world in which All Beings live in peace and harmony, and the tools to help me co-create it!

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